
Accessible from everywhere

So that you don't have to stand in a traffic jam online either

When developing eZollOnlline, we placed great emphasis on user-friendliness and so you don't have to install a program first, but can easily access the web portal with any Internet-enabled computer. Thanks to the direct connection to the federal computer center, data is transferred in seconds and customs clearance is child's play. To prevent unpleasant surprises, eZollOnline runs over a secure SSL connection that is available around the clock. At the same time, the system checks the data for correctness as soon as it is entered. Thus input errors are discovered immediately and can be corrected quickly.

What do I need to be able to use eZollOnline?

In order to be able to set up eZollOnline for you, you only need to have your own e-Zoll authorization, your own e-mail address and an Internet connection.

Are you interested?

Then we recommend that you download our first contact document and contact us so that we can clarify any open questions and discuss the next steps.

After you have contacted us, we need some data and information from you, which are summarized in this checklist. As soon as you have made your data available to us, we will start entering your data and then give you a training session where you can work with it immediately.

Contact us

LDV-Systema Software Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Jakob-Haringer-Str. 1
5020 Salzburg
+43 662 664640 0
[email protected]www.ldv.at

LDV Systema