Customs Clearance Software Solution for France – Delta-G Import & Delta-G Export


MIC provides its customs filing software solution MIC-CUST® for France with standardized customs management processes together with the French country-specific electronic customs filing components.

Take advantage of MIC's software solutions for France supporting the French import and export clearance processes. MIC-CUST® for France ensures being up-to-date with the French customs requirements for the communication with the French customs administration system Delta-G – this is saving time and costs.

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for the French Delta-G Import procedure

The MIC-CUST® Import France module supports the EDI communication with the French customs administration system Delta-G for the simplified import procedure:

  • NCTS arrival (Delta-T)
  • DSI - incomplete import declaration, release of goods
  • DSIComp - supplementary import declaration
  • DCGI - Global import declaration

The MIC-CUST® Import France module also supports the invalidation and correction messages of Delta-G.

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for the French Delta-G Export procedure

The MIC-CUST® Export France module supports the EDI communication with the French customs administration system Delta-G for the simplified export procedure:  

  • NCTS departure (Delta-T)
  • DSE - incomplete export declaration, release of goods
  • DSEComp - supplementary import declaration
  • DCGE - Global export declaration

The MIC-CUST® Export France module also supports the invalidation and correction messages of Delta-G.

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for the French special customs regimes

The MIC-CUST® France module supports the following special customs regimes in France:

  • Bonded warehouse (BWH)
  • Inward processing relief (IPR)
  • Inward processing relief (OPR)

Full stock tracing and stock management (i.e. stock entries, stock transfers, stock removals, home consumption) for all special customs procedures is supported.

Guarantee management - COD (Crédit d’opération diverses)

MIC-CUST® France supports the EDI exchange for COD (Crédit operation diverse). Account crediting for the guarantee account is carried out with this message. COD is used for all special customs regimes.

Being up-to-date with the legal customs requirements in France

As part of MIC‘s maintenance contract, MIC keeps the supported functions up-to-date with the legal customs requirementrs in France, respectively the EU. MIC's maintenance contract ensures that the modules are adapted in time to upcoming legal customs changes.

Additional information

MIC is officially listed as Approved Software Vendor and „EDI Provider“ by French customs. As an approved “EDI Provider” MIC has its own dedicated connection line for the direct electronic communication with the French customs administration system Delta-G.

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