
Customs and Trade Compliance Software Solutions for the Japanese market

MIC is the leading provider of Customs and Trade Compliance Software Solutions. We offer highly sophisticated Global Trade Management (GTM) solutions to globally operating companies. Our software is used by more than 1000 customers in over 55 countries on six continents.

Our web-based and user-friendly software suite can be deployed in a modular manner and implemented incrementally. Continuous improvement and development of our solutions is key to meet individual business conditions as well as to ensure compliance with regional and national legal requirements. In addition, our global support team provides 24/7 assistance according to ITIL standards.

MIC’s Customs & Global Trade Compliance Software Solutions

Japan import clearance and export clearance

Electronic import and export clearance processes, customs tariff & export control classifications, origin calculation and an efficient management of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) as well as export control processes can easily be managed with the MIC Customs and Trade Compliance Software Solutions.

Our four core modules will be explained in the following:

  • MIC Customs (Self) Filing (MIC-CUST®): Our customs filing software improves and automates your company‘s electronic export clearance and electronic import clearance processes including special customs regimes and inventory management: Import, export, inward processing relief, bonded warehouse, foreign trade zones, free zones, duty drawback, processing trade and others. Furthermore, the software allows a direct data exchange with electronic filing systems of national customs authorities (e.g. ACE in the US, ATLAS in Germany, NACCS in Japan) or with brokers via a configurable broker interface.
  • MIC Central Classification System (MIC CCS): The central classification module enables the increase of automation level in the determination of customs tariff & export control classifications for products by using rule-based and intelligent algorithms. Continuously updated national customs tariffs and export control commodity lists ensure product classifications are validated against accurate national information.
  • MIC Origin Calculation (MIC OCS): Our origin calculation tool provides the necessary features for an optimized free trade agreement (FTA) management and, with it, the automated preferential and non-preferential origin calculation for more than 250 FTAs (incl. the Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan & EU – JEFTA) worldwide. Furthermore, it enables your business the management of supplier solicitation processes incl. an electronic data exchange with suppliers via a web portal.
  • MIC Export Control Management (MIC ECM): Export control compliance automation is a challenging task for exporting companies. The MIC export control management module enables the central management of all business transactions as required by export law. This includes screening against sanction lists, embargo checks, end user/end use check resp. dual-use reviews, identification of licensing requirements and license management.

The MIC software suite is deployed as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for several reasons! Click here for more information about our SaaS model.


Japan-EU Trade Agreement

In addition, our origin calculation software module (MIC OCS) enables your company to enjoy several benefits offered by FTAs, such as JEFTA – the Japan-EU Trade Agreement.

The trade agreement between the EU and Japan aims at removing tariffs and other trade barriers. The Japan-EU Trade Agreement (JEFTA) is the biggest trade agreement ever concluded by the European Union supporting globally operating companies to enhance cooperative collaborations and to prevent obstacles to trade. To be more precise, under JEFTA most of the customs duties and trade barriers between the EU and Japan have been eliminated. Indeed, almost 99 per cent of products exported from Japan and 94 per cent of products exported from the EU are duty-free.

Since JEFTA has become effective on 1st February 2019, a lot of Japanese company has been applying for the preferential tariff under the agreement and has won the significant amount of duty savings. On the flip side, JEFTA has implemented the self-certification scheme, which might incur higher compliance risk for companies than the third party certification scheme. The important thing to note in this context is that the Customs authorities of the EU member states tend to conduct verification audit frequently. For example, EU has conducted the verification audit against South Korea more than 5,000 times in 4 years since EU Korea FTA has become effective in July 2011. Also in Japan, some companies has already received verification audit notices from the Customs authorities of the EU member states within 1 year after JEFTA has become effective. Given this trend, it is getting more and more important for Japanese companies to improve the FTA management compliance program and take verification-proof measures.

MIC-OCS will enable you to benefit from duty savings, which leads to a huge competitive advantage, by standardizing the FTA management process and making sure that you comply with provisions of each agreement and the relevant laws and regulations of each country.



Due to the constantly changing business environment and the ongoing digital transformation it is of high importance for international active companies to consider the implementation of novel and innovative technologies. The automation and improvement of your customs and trade compliance processes is clearly the right decision to boost your business and to be prepared for all eventualities.

Our innovative Customs and Trade Compliance Software solutions deliver several advantages and business benefits for your company:

  • Automated and enhanced customs and trade compliance processes
  • Coverage of 55+ countries on 6 continents
  • Management of 250+ Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
  • High compliance with national and regional legal requirements
  • Increased efficiency and transparency resulting in enormous time savings
  • Reduced or no duties leading to considerable cost savings
  • Long-term competitive advantage
  • User-friendly software suite
  • Continuous improvement of our software modules
  • Interfaces to established ERP-systems (SAP incl. S/4HANA, Oracle) legacy & tailor-made systems
  • Ready as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)/Cloud
  • 24/7 support globally
Person that gives IT support

Get in touch

Have questions about our company or products? Reach out to us, and our sales team will be happy to assist you. Or take advantage of the opportunity to explore how MIC solutions can elevate your business, with expert guidance from one of our specialists.