Customs Clearance Software Solution for Austria – e-zoll


Globally, each national customs authority system has its special requirements when it comes to the electronic filing format. At MIC we are aiming to provide standardized customs compliance software solutions together with the country-specific customs filing requirements for the country of customs declaration, in this case for Austria.

Take advantage of MIC-CUST® for Austria with standardized customs management processes together with the country-specific customs filing components for Austria.

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for the Austrian e-zoll Import procedure

The MIC-CUST® Import module for Austria supports electronic filing (direct message exchange) of customs declarations with following import processes:

  • Normal procedure
  • Simplified procedure
  • Fallback procedure

The following messages are covered:

  • Import simplified/normal declaration
  • Import supplementary declaration
  • Import declaration cancellation
  • Dcument request

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for the Austrian e-zoll Export procedure

The MIC-CUST® Export module for Austria supports electronic filing of customs declarations with following export processes:

  • Normal procedure
  • Simplified procedure
  • Fallback procedure

The following messages are covered:

  • Export simplified/normal declaration
  • Export supplementary declaration
  • Export declaration cancellation
  • Dcument request

MIC’s customs clearance software solutions for special customs regimes in Austria

The MIC-CUST® Austria supports the following special customs regimes:

  • Bonded warehouse (BWH)
  • Inward processing relief (IPR)
  • Outward processing relief (OPR)

Being up-to-date with the legal customs requirements in Austria

As part of MIC‘s maintenance contract, MIC keeps the supported functions up-to-date with the legal customs requirementrs in Austria and the EU.

MIC's maintenance contract ensures that the modules are adapted in time to upcoming legal customs changes.

Additional information

MIC's customs clearance software solutions MIC-CUST®MIC ZOLARIS and eZollOnline support the direct electronic data exchange for customs clearance with the Austrian customs administration's system e-zoll:

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