Customs Software Solution for e-zoll Import, e-zoll Export, ...
Our solution MIC ZOLARIS AT offers all functionalities required for efficient customs clearance in Austria. Besides templates and favorites, you can also use automatic interfaces in order to handle your business processes in the most efficient way. Our solution is especially designed for the Austrian authority system e-zoll/ezoll and covers all electronic customs processes according to the Austrian authorities’ requirements.
This gives you the green light for ...
- Application procedure Import/Export
- Local Clearance Procedure Import/Export
- Predeclaration Import/Export/NCTS
- Bonded Warehouse Type C, D, E
- Inward Processing
- Outward Processing
- Processing Under Customs Control, Temporary Importation
- New computerized transit system NCTS Arrival/Dispatch
- Carnet TIR
- Export Control System ECS, Import Control System ICS
- Reporting (e.g. of dues)
- T5 Creation
- T2L Creation
- Customs Value Declaration
- Code Lists, Customs Offices, Administration of Master Data
- Default Values, Templates, Favorites
- Fall Back
- Integration
- Fully Automated Customs Clearance
- Hotline-Support/Helpdesk of Customs Specialists
Our interface connections enable smooth integration into your systems. Ideally, our system can handle your customs processes fully automatically.
DHF Office
DHF Logistik, Software- und Datenverarbeitungs GmbH
Jakob-Haringer-Str. 1
5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43 662 887326 0
Fax: +43 662 887326 820
eMail: [email protected]www.dhf.at