Implementation of MIC’s solutions for Customs Tariff Classification and Free Zone management in Serbia

News | Central Classification | Customs Filing 18 February 2020

MIC successfully rolled out a software solution for correct product tariff classification and efficient Free Zone management in Serbia. This software solution can be implemented in all free zones in Serbia.

The MIC software solution has been rolled out at the FAS Free Zone Kragujevac which is one of around a dozen of free zones in Serbia offering substantial benefits to companies that run their operations in it. The most important business benefit of operating in a free zone is the avoidance of customs duties.

Moreover, operating in a Serbian Free Zone requires a well performing customs clearance system as well as an accurate customs inventory management and this is what MIC delivers. MIC’s specialists developed a software solution in order to easily manage those processes.

This included the roll-out of MIC CCS | CTC as well as MIC-CUST® for Serbia:

  • MIC’s central system for customs tariff classification - MIC CCS | CTC: MIC CCS | CTC supports companies with a standardized product tariff classification to minimize workload through increased automation and to avoid inconsistencies referring to tariff classification of similar products through intelligent suggestion algorithms. Furthermore, our software solution enables the classification according to the Serbian customs tariffs.
  • MIC’s customs filing solution MIC-CUST®: MIC-CUST® enables businesses to handle various Serbian Free Zone customs procedures that cover entering goods into a free zone  (Unos robe u slobodnu zonu), goods to be treated as IPR within the free zone (Prethodno odobrenje za postupak aktivnog oplemenjivanja), customs warehousing of goods in free zone (Carinsko skladištenje robe u slobodnoj zoni), destroying under customs supervision (Uništenje robe), temporary importation (Privremeni uvoz robe), free circulation/nationalization (Nacionalizacija), re-export out of free zone (Ponovni izvoz robe), export of goods (Izvoz robe) and temporary export of goods (Privremeni izvoz robe). In addition, the management of the Completely Built Up process within the Free Zone was implemented.

The modules were implemented within a time frame of 3-4 months. Today, after several months in use, the processes are optimized by fine tuning activities to make them as efficient as possible.

About us:

MIC is the world leader in providing global customs and trade compliance software solutions. The MIC group currently employs close to 400 professionals around the world. More than 700 international customers rely on MIC software products for their global customs and trade compliance management solutions.

For more information about MIC and how we could help your operations, please contact us via [email protected].
