
Customs Clearance Solution for ATLAS Export, Import, ...

Since the country-specific electronic filing formats differ greatly from one another, MIC offers a customs software solution that takes into account the differences between the individual customs systems. While the import and export management functions of MIC-CUST® are largely standardized, MIC-CUST® for ATLAS supports and simplifies the data exchange with German customs authorities and thus facilitates the import and export with ATLAS. MIC-CUST® for ATLAS enables the automated electronic customs clearance and monitoring of cross-border goods traffic to and from Germany. MIC's customs clearance solution MIC-CUST® supports the direct electronic data exchange for customs clearance with the German customs administration's system ATLAS in fact with the automated export system ATLAS AES and for all other simplified customs procedures.

MIC’s customs clearance solution

German ATLAS Import

MIC CUST® Import for Germany supports the following types of declarations and processes:

  • Supports the release of non-Union goods into free circulation
  • Supports a variety of ATLAS messages, customs procedures and processes (summary declarations for temporary storage, customs warehousing, free circulation ...)
  • Supports special customs procedures (e.g. customs warehouse, inward processing, outward processing, end-use)
  • Enables the creation of predefined standard reports
  • NCTS arrival
MIC’s customs clearance solution

German ATLAS Export AES

MIC CUST® Export for Germany supports the following types of declarations and processes:

  • Enables electronic export declarations to be submitted
  • Enables the creation of further notifications (addendum to registration, additional registration, request for invalidity / cancellation, status request ...)
  • Supports different types of declarations
  • Supports various processes (e.g. export declarations, discharge of export procedure, retrospective lodgement of export declaration ...)
  • Supports special customs procedures (e.g. customs warehouse, inward processing, outward processing)
  • NCTS departure
MIC’s customs clearance solutions

German special customs regimes

The MIC-CUST® German special customs regimes module supports the following special customs regimes in Germany:

  • Bonded warehouse (BWH)
  • Inward processing relief (IPR)
  • Outward processing relief (OPR)

Full stock tracing and stock management (i.e. stock entries, stock transfers, stock removals, home consumption) for all special customs procedures is supported.

Additional information

Customs administration's system name

Customs administration's link

Person that gives IT support

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