Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) screening – Software from MIC supports you!

Webinaires 23 mai 2024

4 PM CET / 3 PM GMT / 10 AM EST / 7 AM PST - Ce webinaire est en anglais

Governments around the world maintain denied party lists with entities it is illegal to do business with. Drastic penalties are threatened for your company management, for export managers and for clerks in sales or purchasing if you are doing business with these sanctioned parties. In addition, there is a threat of immense damage to the company itself.  

But is it enough just to screen your direct business partners against the governmental denied party lists to keep damage away from your company?  

Your direct business partners are not always the ones who are finally benefiting from the deal. Complex corporate structures make it hard to identify who really is the individual or entity that ultimately owns or controls a company, partnership, trust, or other legal entity and is at least benefitting from a deal. So it can be that your direct business partner is a trusted entity while the ultimate beneficial owner is listed on one of the governmental sanctions lists - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) matters. Therefore, commitment to compliance and effective risk management requires the use of appropriate software tools. 

In this webinar, our experts Theresa Wimberger (Sales Manager EMEA) and Yassine Berzouk (Presales Consultant EMEA) will show you how MIC’s software tool for UBO screening can help to stay compliant, reduce risks and avoid costs related to penalties. 

Don't miss this free webinar - REGISTER NOW!

Additional information:

  • Please register with your company email address. You will not be able to register with a gmail, yahoo or similar email address. If you do not have another email address, please contact us via [email protected]
  • The webinar will take approximately 40 minutes.
  • You can’t join the live webinar? Please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get in contact with you.
