EU-India trade negotiations 'unlikely to lead to breakthrough'

Industry News | MIC Customs Solutions

Officials in India and the EU are urging caution against expectations of major progress during the current trade summit between the two regions.

Officials in India and the EU are not generally expecting to achieve a breakthrough in their efforts to negotiate a free trade agreement (FTA) this week.

The 13th EU-India summit is taking place in Brussels today (March 30th 2016), with the stated aim of re-establishing relations between the regions and making progress on areas of mutual interest, including trade and investment, energy, climate, water and migration.

Attempts are being made to restore momentum to FTA talks that have remained stalled since 2012, but representatives are warning against expectations that substantial progress will be made this week, reports Livemint.

A senior Indian government official speaking under condition of anonymity said: "Our brief to the prime minister is very clear. We should not give in unless the EU agrees to our demands. We are in the process of finalising the joint declaration."

Key areas of contention have included disagreements on the makeup of laws governing the movement of professionals from one country to another, as well as uncertainty surrounding the prospect of the UK potentially leaving the EU.