Press Releases Origin CalculationImplement free trade agreements in practicePublished in 'TREND' 1/2018 Austria - this article is in German
News Customs FilingMIC extends its customs filing solution MIC-CUST® by a module for monitoring of guaranteesWith the introduction of the European Union Customs Code (UCC), new regulations regarding the provision of guarantee for customs duties…
Press ReleasesMIC opens new office in MexicoOne more step is done - MIC established MIC Customs Solutions México, S.A. de C.V. this March 2018. This is MIC’s new subsidiary in…
News Central Classification Origin CalculationHilti implements MIC's Customs and Trade Compliance Software SolutionsMIC is particularly pleased to have gained the internationally renowned Hilti company as a new customer. Hilti, the world's leading…
Press ReleasesMIC: Navigating the compliance mazePublished on 'International Trade Magazine', October 2017
News Central Classification Customs Filing Origin CalculationChemours live in Belgium and the NetherlandsChemours, a world leader in titanium technologies, flour products, and chemical solutions joined MIC as new customer in February 2016.…
MIC Solutions News Export Controls Central Classification Customs Filing Origin CalculationLeading beauty products manufacturer is live with MIC’s customs filing solution in GermanyMIC is pleased to announce that one of the global leaders in fragrances is live with MIC’s customs filing solution in Germany. In a first…
News Origin CalculationGerman automotive manufacturer introduces MIC’s origin calculation system in South Africa & orders customs filing solution for MexicoAlready in 2016 we could report that manufacturing companies can make use of beneficial treatment in the form of applying preferential…
News Central Classification Origin CalculationMIC’s solution for origin calculation offers significant relief through automatizationThere are already more than 400 ratified free trade agreements (FTAs) around the world to ease trade among the involved countries and…
News Customs FilingImperial Tobacco Group introduces MIC-CUST® in Turkey and is planning an expansion for MIC-CUST® import functionalities in PolandMIC is pleased to announce that our long-standing customer ITG (Imperial Tobacco Group) went live with the MIC-CUST® module in…
Central Classification NewsHuge German home improvement store uses MIC software for customs tariff classificationMIC is extremely pleased to announce that a well-known German home improvement store has become a new customer of MIC. The company is…
Origin Calculation NewsHow Free Trade Influences an Automotive Supply ChainPosted by Clint Reiser on LOGISTICS VIEWPOINTS
Customs Filing NewsUS confirms delay to deployment of new ACE capabilitiesThe US government has announced that the last primary deployment of core trade processing capabilities for its Automated Commercial…
Globales Zollmanagement Press Releases Gestion de Dédouanement Press Releases Customs Filing Press ReleasesGlobal Trade Management in Today’s Contentious Political EnvironmentPosted by Clint Reiser on LOGISTICS VIEWPOINTS