Customs Clearance Software Solution for the Spanish AEAT
National customs authority systems have special requirements referring to customs filing processes (e.g. country-specific electronic filing formats). Therefore, MIC aims to provide standardized customs compliance software solutions adaptable to country-specific customs filing requirements for the country of customs declaration.
With MIC-CUST® for Spain, we are offering a standardized customs process management together with the country-specific customs filing components. MIC is officially listed as Approved Software Vendor and EDI supplier for electronic filling at Spanish customs:
Take advantage of MIC's software solutions for Spain, as they do not only ensure high cost and time savings, but also enable being up-to-date with the Spanish customs requirements for the communication with the Spanish customs administration’s system AEAT.
MIC’s customs & global trade compliance software solutions for Spain
MIC-CUST® ES Import supports electronic customs filing and improves your company‘s electronic import customs clearance processes:
- NCTS arrival (Electronic Transit System – ETS)
- Normal procedure
- Simplified Procedure - „Declaración simplificada por falta de documentos”
- Entry in the declarant's records and corresponding complementary declaration (previously called Declaración complementaria o recapitulativa al amparo del procedimiento de domicilización)
MIC-CUST® ES Export also supports electronic customs filing and enhances your company‘s electronic export customs declaration processes:
- NCTS departure (Electronic Transit System – ETS)
- Normal procedure
- Simplified Procedure with provisional values - „Declaración simplificada por falta de documentos o datos"
- Incomplete declaration
- Supplementary declaration
- PRE-DUA Export Declarations on new version ECS003
In addition, our customs filing solution for Spain also supports the following special customs regimes:
- Bonded warehouse (BWH)
- Inward processing relief (IPR)
- Outward processing relief (OPR)
Full stock tracing and management for all special customs regimes is provided (i.e. stock entries, stock transfers, stock removals, home consumption).
Furthermore, the customs filing module has been extended by the sub-module MIC-CUST® GUM that supports you at monitoring guarantees.
MIC’s central customs tariff classification & export control classification software solution for Spain
The Central Classification System (MIC CCS) enables an increased automation level in the determination of customs tariff classification & export control classification for products by using rule-based and intelligent algorithms. A central and standardized product classification is required in order to avoid double effort and inconsistency when it comes to classification.
Our classification module offers a cost-effective solution for determining, assigning and validating customs tariffs and export control classifications according to the applicable customs tariffs and export control commodity lists.
With MIC INTRA we offer an efficient and economical solution for Intrastat declarations in Spain. The module supports the automatic conversion of Intrastat dispatches of the country of dispatch into country-specific declaration formats for Intrastat arrivals of the recipient country. This leads to a reduction of system interfaces as well as the minimization of manual interference.
Additional Information
- Customs administration's system name: AEAT
- Customs administration's link:
- Customer references: Daimler AG, Ford, General Motors, ITG, Nokia, Panasonic, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Scania, Sigma Aldrich, ...
All information about MIC and its Customs & Trade Compliance solutions can be found on its English domain -